2014 Australasian Sexual Health Conference
Many thanks for your contribution to the 2014 Australasian Sexual Health Conference.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips
It is not easy to design a PowerPoint that both gets your major points across, but is also visually pleasing. Find out how to design a great PowerPoint presentation here.
  • All text should be in PowerPoint, preferably in light text on a dark background
  • There should be no more than 5 x 1 line bullet points per slide
  • Optimum title text is 45 - 55 points and no smaller than 36 points
  • Body text should be at least 26 points
  • Avoid UPPERCASE letters as they are hard to read
  • Please keep to the time limit of your presentation
Disclosure of Interest
Presenters are asked to include a disclosure of interest slide in their presentation.

ASHM has a code of conduct which governs its financial relationships for staff, board, and other representatives. Office holders are required to disclose their relationships with industry and this is published in the Annual Report. ASHM recognised the considerable contribution that industry partners make to professional and research activities and we value these greatly.

We are also looking at ways to increase opportunities of transparency for disclosing conflicts of interest and to make this as transparent as possible for presenters. One common way of doing this is to acknowledge these relationships in publications and presentations.

We have developed a simple template for declaring these relationships and potential conflicts as part of each presentation you make. Disclosures should relate to the substance of the research being presented. Please click here to view the sample slide we have created.

At the Conference
A speaker preparation room will be available for you at the conference. Please proceed here at least 4 hours prior to or the day before your presentation.

If you are not providing slides for your presentation please advise the AV technician in the speaker preparation room.

Presentation Consent Form
You will be provided with a presentation consent form in the speaker preparation room when loading your presentation. This form will need to be completed and returned to the speaker preparation team before your presentation.

Media and Privacy
You will be asked on the speaker consent form whether you consent to the following activities:
  • Allow your presentation on the Conference website. Speaker presentations will be published on the conference website post conference (unless specified otherwise). We require all speakers to provide permission for their PowerPoint presentations to be published. All presenters will be given the opportunity to submit a revised PowerPoint for publication on the website.
  • Allow media contact. A media consultant will be on site who may wish to contact you due to interest from media bodies. The media embargo for all data and information from abstracts or presentations is the date of the presentation at the conference unless indicated otherwise. Information in materials distributed to the media in advance is embargoed until when the data or information is due to be presented in the conference program. We kindly request that all media co-operate with this policy.
  • Allow audio recording/webcasting. Webcasts of every presentation will be done. Individual authors may choose not to have their presentation when webcast loading your presentation in the speakers preparation room.